রবিবার, ২৪ জুলাই, ২০১৬

Completing Story

1. There were two friends. They lived in a certain village. They seemed to be    intimate. They promised that they would help each other at the time of danger..............................

Ans.                A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed

There were two friends. They lived in a certain village. They seemed to be very intimate. They promised that they would help each other at the time of danger. One day they were passing through a deep forest. Suddenly, a bear came in front of them. So, both of them were afraid and were in a fix what to do. One friend knows how to climb a tree and he promptly climbed a nearby tree. But the other friend did not know how to climb a tree. So finding no way he became disappointed. Then he quickly lay down on the ground like a dead body because he knew that the bear does not eat a dead animal. The bear appeared and examined the breath of the lying friend. Thinking him dead, the bear went away. Coming down from the tree, the other friend asked him what the bear had whispered in his ears. The lying friend answered that the friend who leaves his friend behind in danger is not a real friend.

2. It was a summer day. The day was very hot. There was the scorching sun around. There was no water anywhere...............................................................

Ans.                   Where There is a Will, There is Way

It was a summer day. The day was very hot. There was the scorching sun around. There was no water anywhere. During this hot day, once a crow grew thirsty. He flew here and there in search of water. He could not find water. He sat on the branch of a tree. There was a pitcher under the tree. The crow flew down, sat on the top of the pitcher and looked inside. He saw a little in the bottom of the pitcher. He tried to drink the water. But the level of water was low that his beak could not reach the water in the pitcher. He became very sad and hopeless. Suddenly he noticed a lot of pebbles near the pitcher. He picked up some pebbles and dropped them in the pitcher one by one. As a result, the level of water rose up. The crow drank water and quenched his thirst and flew away.

3. Once in a very hot day, a fox came to a vineyard where he saw some grapes. The grapes were ripe and looked very allurable..................................................

Ans.                                        Grapes are Sour

Once in a very hot day, a fox came to a vineyard where he saw some grapes. The grapes were ripe and looked very allurable. As the fox was very hungry, he said to himself, “I must get some of these grapes. They must be very sweet.” He jumped up to catch the grapes. As the grapes were hanging high up, the fox could not get at them. He tried again and again but to no purpose. When the understood that it was really impossible for him to try any more, he went away and consoled himself by saying that the grapes were sour and he never wanted them.

4. Once upon a time, there was a farmer who had a wonderful goose. Every morning, she laid a golden egg. He used to sell the golden eggs to the market. He became rich................................................................................

Ans.                                   Grasp All, Lose All

Once upon a time, there was a farmer who had a wonderful goose. Every morning, she laid a golden egg. He used to sell the golden eggs to the market. He became rich. But by this time, the man became very greedy and impatient to have all the eggs at a time. So he hit upon a plan and told his wife that if he cut the goose, he would get all the eggs at a time and by this way he would be rich overnight. But his wife was wise and she advised him not to become very greedy and impatient. But he did not listen to her. He cut the goose with his knife. But alas! he lost all. He could not find out any golden egg in the womb of the goose. He became very sad for his folly. He lost his useful goose forever.

5. Bayazid was a small boy. His mother was ill. One night, he was studying by the side of the bed of his ailing mother. All on a sudden, his mother woke up, raised her and told her son to give her a glass of water.......................................

Ans.                     Bayazid’s Devotion to His Mother

Bayazid was a small boy. His mother was ill. One night, he was studying by the side of the bed of his ailing mother. All on a sudden, his mother woke up, raised her and told her son to give her a glass of water. Bayazid went to the kitchen to bring water. But he found the pitcher empty. He searched for water here and there, but in vain, Then he decided to fetch water from the nearby fountain. He took poured water to the fountain for water. He came back home filling the pitcher to the brim. He poured water into the glass and come to his mother. He found that his mother was fast asleep again. He did not want to disturb his ailing mother. He kept standing beside his mother’s bed. His mother woke in the morning and became surprised to find her son standing beside her bed. Mother embraced her son with deep love and prayed to Allah for her son. The prayer of the mother came true. In due course, Bayazid became a great saint.

6. There was a shepherd, He kept a flock of sheep near a forest. It was not from his village. One day, he wanted to make fun with the villagers. So, he began to shout, “Wolf! Wolf! Help! Help!”...................................

Ans.                                 Nobody Believes a Liar

There was a shepherd, He kept a flock of sheep near a forest. It was not from his village. One day, he wanted to make fun with the villagers. So, he began to shout, “Wolf! Wolf! Help! Help!” The villagers heard his cry and ran to help him. But when they came near him, they found no wolf there and the boy laughed at them. The villagers were befooled by the cunning boy. So, they went away.
After a few days, he made the same fun. The villagers came again to help him but found no wolf there. Each time the villagers were befooled. But one day, a wolf really fell upon the sheep and began to kill his sheep. The boy cried, “Wolf! Wolf! Help! The villagers heard him crying for help but they thought it was his another trick. No one came to help him. The wolf feasted on the sheep and finally killed the shepherd. Thus the boy lost his life by telling lies.
7. There lived a woodcutter in a village. One day, he was cutting wood near a river. Suddenly, his axe fell into the river.......................................................

Ans.       An Honest Woodcutter and the Beautiful Fairy

There lived a woodcutter in a village. One day, he was cutting wood near a river. Suddenly, his axe fell into the river. The river was very deep. The woodcutter did not know how to swim or dive. So, he was sitting there sadly. Then a wonderful thing happened. A beautiful fairy appeared before the woodcutter. She asked him in a sweet voice, “Why are you so sad?” The woodcutter replied sorrowfully, “May axe has fallen into the river. I can’t cut wood now.” The fairy took pity on him. She went into the river and came back with an axe made of silver. She asked him if it was his axe. The woodcutter saw the axe and said, “No it’s not my axe.” She then again went into the water and returned with an axe made of gold. She asked, “Is this the axe that you lost?” The woodcutter again said, “No, it’s not. My axe is made of iron. It was old.” Finally, she brought the axe of the woodcutter from the water. The woodcutter then said happily that it was his axe. The fairy became very pleased with the honesty of the woodcutter and gave him the gold and the silver axes as a reward. Than the woodcutter became rich and began to live happily. So, we must keep in mind that honesty is always rewarded.

8. Once upon a time, there was a king in Scotland. His name was Robert Bruce. He was a great king. His subjects loved him very much..................................

Ans.                    Failures are but Pillars of Success

Once upon a time, there was a king in Scotland. His name was Robert Bruce. He was a great king. His subjects loved him very much. He ruled over his country with popularity, good name and fame. But owing to bad luck, he lost his kingdom. The king with his many faithful soldiers and subjects went to a forest and took shelter in a cave. The king did not sit idle there. He formed a troop and attacked his enemies again. He attacked his enemies about six times. But all the times, he was defeated. Being defeated so many times, he became disappointed. One day, the king was lying in the cave in a gloomy mood. Suddenly, he saw a spider. It was trying to climb the top of the ceiling. But it fell down. Yet it did not give up its attempt and on the seventh attempt it succeeded. The king was inspired from the deed of the spider. The perseverance of the spider encouraged Bruce. He made up his mind again and he attacked his enemies once again. This time he defeated his enemies and got back his lost kingdom.
9. One day, a fox was walking through the jungle. Suddenly, he fell into a trap. He got out of the trap but he lost his tail behind...........................................

Ans.                               A Fox without a Tail

One day, a fox was walking through the jungle. Suddenly, he fell into a trap. He got out of the trap but he lost his tail behind. Without a tail, he looked strange and he felt sad. But the fox was cunning and he made a plan. He invited all the foxes to come to a meeting. All of them came. Then the fox without a tail said, “My dear friends listen to what I say. I have invented a new thing that is the tails of ours are not useful. They look ugly and always remain dirty. So, we should cut off our tails.”
All the foxes listened to the fox and agreed with him. One of the wise old foxes was listening too. He said, “My friend, your plan is very interesting but foolish. You have no tail. So, you want us to cut our tails, because you have lost your own tail. Without a tail you are looking so strange and ugly.” Everyone agreed with the old wise fox. As the cunning fox failed to convince them, he felt ashamed and left the place at once.

10. Once a lion was sleeping in a forest. Suddenly, a mouse came there. It was running to and fro and playing happily............................................................

Ans.                      A Kind Lion and a Grateful Mouse

Once a lion was sleeping in a forest. Suddenly, a mouse came there. It was running to and fro and playing happily. By chance, it ran over the face of the lion. It awoke the lion. At that time, the lion grew very angry and caught the mouse. Then the mouse prayed politely, “Please let me go. One day, you may need help.” The lion laughed and thought, “How could a little mouse help a lion?” Then he said, “Well, I will let you go but you must walk carefully.” The lion set the mouse free.
The mouse was grateful. He thanked the lion. One day, the mouse was looking for something edible. Suddenly, he saw that the lion was caught in a net in the jungle. The mouse remembered the lion’s mercy and started cutting the net with his sharp teeth. Finally, the mouse cut the net and set the lion free. The lion was also grateful to the little creature. So, he thanked the mouse and offered him to be his friend.
11. Once there lived a rich farmer in a certain village. He had only one son who was dull headed. The village scholar failed to teach him.....................................

Ans.               A Little Learning is a Dangerous Thing

Once there lived a rich farmer in a certain village. He had only one son who was dull headed. The village scholar failed to teach him. So he was sent to the town to be highly educated. There he learns only three words. He learnt ‘yes’, ‘no’ and ‘very well’. But he did know their meaning. The teacher released him.
One day there happened, a theft in his village. Then police came. The police was an English man. The boy who learnt three English words came to the spot and tried to speak with the police. A police man asked him if he had stolen. They boy replied “Yes”. Then the police man asked him if he would tell him why he had stolen. They boy said “No” Finally the police man said to him: I will arrest you now. The boy said, “Very well”. Then the police man arrested him and took him to the police station.

12. There was a pond full of frogs. Some of them put their heads out of the water and croaked loudly. One day, some boys were playing by the side of the pond................................................................

Ans.               What is play to one is Death to Another

There was a pond full of frogs. Some of them put their heads out of the water and croaked loudly. One day, some boys were playing by the side of the pond. When they heard the frogs croaking, they began to throw stones at them. All the frogs at once went down into the water. But the boys kept standing there with stones in their hands. The new game was great fun to them. They went on pelting the frogs with stones when they raised their heads above the water. Thus many frogs were hit hard and few were killed. At last, an old frog raised its head and said, “Oh boys please! Please, stop the cruel fun. Don’t throw stones at us.” “It is a play. We are enjoying it.” said the boys. “Why should we stop it?” “What is play to you is death to us. This is why, you should stop it” Answered the frog. The boys were ashamed of this. They left the cruel game and went away.

13. Once an ant was very thirsty. He went to a pond to drink water. When he began to drink water, a wave swept him away. He was about to be drowned. There was a tree on the bank of the pond....................................................

Ans.                                  An Ant and a Dove

Once an ant was very thirsty. He went to a pond to drink water. When he began to drink water, a wave swept him away. He was about to be drowned. There was a tree on the bank of the pond. A dove was sitting on the branch of the tree. He noticed that the ant was about to be drowned. The dove felt pity for the ant. He wanted to save the ant. So, he dropped a leaf in front of the ant. The ant got on the leaf and was saved.
Another day, the ant was seeking food under that tree. Then he noticed that a hunter had aimed at the dove. The dove did not know it. The ant thought, “I must save the life of the dove as it saved my life.” So without any delay, he bit the right leg of the hunter. At this, the hunter’s hands trembled and the bullet missed its aim. Then the dove flew away and was saved. Afterwards, they met and expressed their gratitude to each other. Since then they became good friends.

14. Once upon a time, a greedy dog stole a piece of meat from a nearby house, and holding it in his mouth he began to cross the river over a narrow bridge. During the time of crossing suddenly he looked down and saw his own shadow reflected on the clear water of the river................................................

Ans.                                  Greed Leads to Destruction

Once upon a time, a greedy dog stole a piece of meat from a nearby house, and holding it in his mouth he began to cross the river over a narrow bridge. During the time of crossing suddenly he looked down and saw his own shadow reflected on the clear water of the river. He thought to himself that it was another dog with a bigger piece of meat. He decided to snatch that away from that dog and thought to have a proper feast with the two now. So he howled at the image instantly, the piece of meat fell into the water. The current of the carried away it swiftly. Thus, he lost his own too.

15. Once a dog found a piece of bone. He was eating it sitting under a tree. There sat a crow on the tree. It wished to take away the bone from the dog. Sitting on the branch of a tree, the crow was watching the dog trying to pierce the meat from the bone........................................................

Ans.                                       Before You Leap

Once a dog found a piece of bone. He was eating it sitting under a tree. There sat a crow on the tree. It wished to take away the bone from the dog. Sitting on the branch of a tree, the crow was watching the dog trying to pierce the meat from the bone. He hit upon a plan to take it from the dog. Then he came near the dog and tried to make friendship with him. But the dog got furious when he saw the crow near him. The crow tried to cajole him with sweet words. He told him that he should bring some salt from the nearby house to make the bone tasty. The dog could not believe him as the crow was not very trustworthy. Since the crow insisted the dog, it agreed to do this. Besides, he also wanted to make his food more tasty. As soon as the dog moved few yards from the crow, he took the bone in his beak and flew away. To his utter surprise, the dog saw the crow flying far away with his favorite bone. It suggests that one should not believe oneself by the sweet words of the wicked.

16. A farmer had two sons. They were young but lazy and both of them were rogue to the backbone. They did nothing but quarrelling with each other. The farmer became very anxious about the future of his own sons........................

Ans.                          Industry is the Key to Success

A farmer had two sons. They were young but lazy and both of them were rogue to the backbone. They did nothing but quarrelling with each other. The farmer became very anxious about the future of his own sons. One day, he hit upon a plan and called his sons to his bed and told them that he was going to die very soon. He also added that three was a hidden treasure in the field which he kept for his sons. The two sons asked the farmer what the hidden treasure was and how they could find that. The farmer replied that if they dug the field properly, they must find the treasure. After a few days, the farmer died. Now the two sons were at a loss what to do. Then they remembered their father’s advice and they started to dig the field. The field was then dug up properly. And after two months, they nothing except golden crops. Now they are very happy to see the bumper crops. Then they understood the meaning of their father’s word and understood that industry is the key to success.

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