রবিবার, ২৪ জুলাই, ২০১৬

Dialogue Writing

Shaheen Cadet School, Tangail
Dialogue Writing
AvÿwiK A‡_© `yB R‡bi g‡a¨ †h Avjvc nq Zv‡K Dialogue ev K‡_vcK_b e‡j| A‡b‡K G‡K conversation I e‡j _v‡Kb| Dialogue `yB Gi AwaK e¨w³i (3 Rb ev 4 R‡bi) g‡a¨I n‡Z cv‡i Z‡e mvaviYZ Zv `yB R‡bi g‡‡a¨B n‡q _v‡K| hviv mPivPi Bs‡iwR‡Z K_vevZ©v e‡j Ggb †jv‡Ki mv‡_ K_v ejvi my‡hvM cvqbv A_P Bs‡iwR‡Z K_v ejvi Rb¨ `ÿZv AR©b Ki‡Z Pvq Zv‡`i Rb¨ Dialogue-writing GKwU ¸iæZ¡c~Y© welq| Bs‡iR‡`i mv‡_ K_v ejvi my‡hvM bv _vKvq Zviv eB cy¯Í‡Ki Dci wbf©ikxj n‡q c‡o| mwVK wb‡`©kbvq Dialogue-writing Abykxjb Ki‡j Zviv mnR mij cÖvÄj fvlvq Bs‡iwR‡Z K_vevZ©v ej‡Z cvi‡e| Dialogue-writing G Kíbv kw³i we‡kl cÖ‡vRb Av‡Q| KviY GKB e¨w³ wb‡R‡K †hgb GK c‡ÿ `vo Kiv‡e Ab¨‡KI Kíbvq `vo Kwi‡q wb‡RB wb‡Ri cÖ‡kœi h_vh_ DIi cÖ`vb Ki‡e| GLv‡bB Dialogue-writing Gi ˆewkó¨ ev bvUKxqZv jÿ Kiv hvq| `yRb KvíwbK e¨w³i g‡a¨ K‡_vcK_‡b mgš^q mvab, c‡ÿ wec‡ÿ gZvgZ cÖ`vb meB GKB e¨w³‡K Ki‡Z nq e‡j Le mZK©Zvi mv‡_ cÖ‡kœi DIi w`‡Z nq|
Dialogue-writing mnR, mij Ges mvejxj n‡Z n‡e| cvVK †hb g‡b bvK‡ib †h G msjvc c~e© cwiKwíZ Ges wbim| fvlv hZ`~i m¤¢e mnR n‡Z n‡e| †QvU †QvU evK¨ e¨envi Kiv fvj| Z‡e evK¨ eo n‡jI Amyweav †bB| Dialogue-writing my›`i Ki‡Z im‡eva _vK‡Z n‡e, Dialogue n‡Z n‡e eyw×Zxß| Dialogue-writing mh‡Zœ ˆZwi Ki‡Z n‡e| Dialogue wjL‡Z Avi¤¢ Kivi c~e© gyn’‡Z© fvjfv‡e wPšÍv K‡i wbiZ n‡e| Zv bv n‡j Dialogue G‡jv‡g‡jv I MwZnxb n‡q co‡e|
Dialogue-writing Gi c×wZ t
1. fvjfv‡e welqwU wb‡q fve‡Z n‡e, n‡ÿ wec‡ÿi hyw³¸‡jv Kíbv K‡i Pz‡K wb‡Z n‡e|
2. aviYv¸‡jv avivevwnK, hyw³c~Y© n‡Z n‡e †hb GKUvi ci GKUv Dialogue G D‡V Av‡m|
3. Kíbvi e¨vw³ wK fve‡Z cv‡i, Zvi ejvi fw½ wK n‡Z cv‡i, Zvi ejvi aib wK iKg n‡j MÖnY‡hvM¨ n‡e G mewKQz gv_vq †i‡L Dialogue ˆZwi Ki‡Z n‡e|
4. GKwU K_v g‡b ivL‡Z n‡e †Zvgi †jLv Dialogue wU c‡o cvVK G‡K ev¯Íe Ges mvejxj e‡j g‡b Ki‡e| Kv‡RB Kíbvi Pwi·K mnR Ges cwiwPZ e‡j cÖZxqgvb Ki‡Z n‡e| ev¯Í‡e †jvRb wKfv‡e K_v e‡j Zv g‡b evL‡e Ges †mfv‡eB †Zvgvi Dialogue (K‡_vcK_b) wjL‡e|
5. my›`i I AvKl©Yxqfv‡e Dialogue (K‡_vcK_b) wjL‡Z Avi¤¢ Ki‡e Ges Zv GKwU wbw`©ó Dcmsnvi ev mgvw߇Z wb‡q hv‡e|

1. Suppose you’re Samia. You’re buying things at the book shop. Now write a dialogue between you and the salesman.

Ans: A dialogue between Samia and the salesman :

Salesman          : How can I help you ?
Samia               : Could you give me this book please.
Salesman          : Anything else ?
Samia               : Yes. also one exercise book, two pens, two pencils, one sharpener   and one eraser.
Salesman          : What else ?
Samia               : Nothing else, tthanks.
Salesman          : Any school bag, scales, colour pens or colour pencils ?
Samia               : I have school bag. I don’t need it now. But yes, please give this pencil bag. And give me
                           six colour pencils but no scale of colour pens.
Salesman          : That’s 305 taka total.
Samia               : Here you are.
Salesman          : You gave me 310. And the bill is 305. Here is the change.
Samia               : Thank you very much.
Salesman          : You’re welcome.

2. Suppose, you are Bakul and Your friend is Mukul. Both of you have just completed your SSC examination. Now, write a dialogue between you and your friend regarding your future plan after the publication of the result.

Bakul   : Hello, Mukul! How have you done in the examination ?
Mukul  : Very well. What about you ?
Bakul   : I’ve also done well.
Mukul  : When do you think the result will be published ?
Bakul   : It may take two and a half months.
Mukul  : It’s time for us to make our future plan.
Bakul   : Yes. I’ve decided to be a doctor.
Mukul  : Why have you decided so ?
Bakul   : Because I want to help the poor.
Mukul  : I highly appreciate your plan and your heartiest effort to make your dream true. Wish you all
               the best.
Bakul   : Thank you very much.
Mukul  : You’re most welcome.

3.Suppose you’re Habib. You meet your friend, Milon, who look sad. Now, write a dialogue between you and your friend.

Ans: A dialogue between Habib myself and Milon :

Habib   : Hello, Milon. You look sad. What’s the matter ?
Milon   : My mother is ill. She is suffering from ulcer.
Habib   : Is it too bad ?
Milon   : Yes, it is. She has a lot of pain. She can’t eat anything.
Habib   : What did the doctor say ?
Milon   : The doctor said that it would take time for her to get well.
Habib   : Where is she now ?
Milon   : In the hospital.
Habib   : Which hospital is it ?
Milon   : She is in the Square hospital.
Habib   : Who is looking after her ?
Milon   : My father and my sister.
Habib   : I Hope she gets well soon. Do you need any help ?
Milon   : Thanks for your kindness.
Habib   : Are you going to the hospital now ?
Milon   : Yes.
Habib   : Can I come with you ?
Milon   : Yes, of course. Let’s go.

4. Mithul and Mahin meet for the first time. Now, write a dialogue between them.

Ans: A dialogue between Mithul and Mahin :

Mithul   : Hello. I’m Mithul.
Mahin   : I’m Mahin, pleased to meet you. How are you ?
Mithul   : Fine, thank you. And you ?
Mahin   : I’m fine too. Where do you live ?
Mithul   : I live at Uttara. What about you ?
Mahin   : I live at Hatirpul. How do you come to school. Mithul ?
Mithul   : By rickshaw. And you ?
Mahin   : I come by bus. Do you like your English class ?
Mithul   : Yes, of course. What about you ?
Mahin   : I like it too. Mithul. I am in a hurry. Bye.
Mithul   : Bye. See you tomorrow.

5. Your younger brother, Tousif has obtained scholarship in the Junior Scholarship Examination. Now, write a dialogue between you and your younger brother on his brilliant success in the examination.

Ans: A dialogue between myself and my younger brother, Tousif on his brilliant success in the examination :

Myself              : Hello. Tousif. Why do you look so happy ?
Tousif               : Why not ? Haven’t you heard of my result ?
Myself              : No. I’m looking forward to hearing from you.
Tousif               : I’ve obtained scholarship in the Junior Scholarship Examination.
Myself              : Congratulations, Tousif.
Tousif               : Thank you very much. It was only by the grace of Alminghty as well as all of your good
Myself              : Right you are. But you had to work hard for that.
Tousif               : Yes, of course. Without studying hard and systematically, no one can attain success in 
                           such a field.
Myself              : Exactly. A student must follow the teachers coaching correctly. He should emphasise on
                           the text book and be regular in studies.
Tousif               : Yes, I think so.
Myself              : Thank you very much. Hope you have a bright future.
Tousif               : You’re welcome.

6. Suppose, your friend Nizam is living in Dhaka city and he likes to live in this city but your favourit place is your village. Now, write a dialogue between you and your friend Nizam on the advantages and disadvantages of city and life.

Ans: A dialogue between myself and my friend, Nizam on the advantages and disadvantages of city and village life.

Myself              : Hi friend. How do you feel in our village ?
Nizam              : Excellent. I like to live in a village very much.
Myself              : But why ? You’re a town dweller.
Nizam              : I think village life is more charming and more interesting than that of city life.
Myself              : But. I can’t agree with you in some facts. City life is more attractive to me because there 
                           are so many merits and comforts.
Nizam              : But, I think you can’t deny the natural beauty and many advantages of the village life.
Myself              : Is it ?
Nizam              : Yes. Fresh air, fresh vegetables, fresh fish, clean blue sky, green trees, simply minded
                           People etc. Are available in the villages which are very rare in the city. In addition, the
                           town life is full of din and bustle. The atmosphere is smoky and stuffy. Moreover, the
                          city dwellers are not open minded. They are very self-centered.
Myself              : Really, I’ve got the point. Thank you very much for kind information.
Nizam              : You’re most welcome.

7. Suppose, you are Sampa. Your close friend, Rita knows a lot about ‘Environment pollution’, Now, Write a dialogue between you and your friend on various adverse effectts and remedies of this problem.

Ans: A dialogue between myself (Sampa) and my friend (Rita) about various adverse effects and remedies of this problem :

Sampa              : Hello Rita, how are you ?
Rita                  : Oh, I’m fine. And you ?
Sampa              : I’m fine too. By the way, I have read a repot in the newspaper about environmental
                          pollution. Can you tell me how we pollute our environment ?
Rita                  : Why not ? Look, air, water, soil, sound etc. Are the elements of our environment. Air is
                           polluted by smoke and water is polluted by waste and filth.
Sampa              : Then what about sound ?
Rita                  : Well, sound is polluted by vehicle horns, microphones etc.
Sampa              : I got to know from a report that environmental pollution has different side effects.
Rita                  : Exactly. Climate change is the direct consequence of environmental pollution. It brings
                          about various kinds of natural disasters.
Sampa              : That’s true. Above all, I think public awareness has to be raised against environmental
Rita                  : Right you are. We must comply with environmental rules and regulations if we really
                          want to have a habitable earth.
Sampa              : Yes. That means self-consciousness along with forestation and effective actions can
                           Keep our environment pollution free.
Rita                  : Exactly, Sampa.
Sampa              : Thank you very much.
Rita                  : You’re most welcome.

8. English language plays an important role for communication in the present world. Now write a dialogue between you and your friend Joy about the importance of English.

Ans: A dialogue between myself and my friend Joy about the importance of learning English.

Myself              : Hello Joy! How are you ?
Joy                   : Thank you. I am fine. How are you ?
Myself              : Thank you. I am also fine. But you know I cut poor marks in English.
Joy                   : Why ? Don’t you read English ?
Myself              : I read but it doesn’t seem important to me.
Joy                   : It’s your bad notion. English is very important for us all. So we have to learn English.
Myself              : Would you please explain it to me ?
Joy                   : You know majority people of the world speak English. It’s the language of world
Myself              : And.
Joy                   : When you will enter in higher education, you will find that all books are written in
Myself              : Brother also told me that.
Joy                   : And the most important thing is if you don’t learn English, you will not get a good job.
Myself              : Why not ?
Joy                   : Because job advertisements always want them who know better English.
Myself              : How can I learn English ?
Joy                   : First you must be attentive in your text. Further procedure I will tell you later.
Myself              : Thank you very much for your nice advice.
Joy                   : You are most welcome.

9. Newspaper is a store house of knowledge. The necessity of reading newspaper is quite vast. Now, write a dialogue between you and your friend about the necessity of reading newspaper.

Ans: A dialogue between myself and my friend, Amit about the necessity of reading newspaper.

Myself              : Hello Amit, Where are you going ?
Amit                 : I am going to buy a newspaper.
Myself              : It’s nice, Do you think reading newspaper regularly is essential ?
Amit                 : Certainly. In fact, it’s a storehouse of general knowledge.
Myself              : Yes. We can learn about the current affairs of the world through the newspaper.
Amit                 : Right you are. These all are available in a newspaper.
Myself              : Now, what’s your suggestion for others regarding this ?
Amit                 : I just want to say that everyone should read at least one newspaper daily.
Myself              : I agree with you. Thank you very much.
Amit                 : It’s ok. Thank you too.

10. Mobile phone is a very recent invention of modern science. We all know the uses and benefits of it, But it has some demerits too. Now, write a dialogue between you and your friends, Nazmul about the uses and abuses of mobile phone.

Ans: A dialogue between myself and my friend. Nazmul about the uses and abuses of mobile phone.

Myself              : Hello, Nazmul, you look very cheerful. What’s the matter ?
Nazmul : I bought a mobile phone yesterday and I’m so happy.
Myself              : Really ? But do you know its uses ?
Nazmul : Mobile phone is a very essential device. It is an important medium of communication
                          which helps intercommunication with the people in the shortest time.
Myself              : Who are benefited through the use of mobile phone ?
Nazmul : Specially, businessmen and the service holders. It’s also useful for doctors, high
                           officials and for the people who are shopping and supplying valuable information
                           sitting in their houses.
Myself              : Could you tell me its abuses ?
Nazmul : Now-a-day mobile has become an easy way of teasing girl. By using the mobile phone,
                          the terrorists and criminals can carry out the evil designs and commit crimes without
                          much difficulty. Sometimes, the criminals use this phone to maintain their secrecy.
Myself              : Right you are. In spite of some such drawbacks, there is no better alternative to mobile
                          phone in communicating with people at home and abroad. Thank you for giving me
                          such valuable information.
Nazmul : You’re welcome.

11. Suppose you are Badhan and your friend is Naina. Now, write a dialogue between you and your friend about your aim in life.

Ans: A dialogue between Myself (Badhan) and my friend (Naina) about my aim in life.

Badhon            : Hello Naina, how are you ?
Naina               : I’m fine. And you ?
Badhon            : I am fine too. What were you thinking about ?
Naina               : In fact, I’m thinking what I want to be in future.
Badhon            : Have you already fixed your aim in life.
Naina               : Of course. Every man has his/her aim in life. Similarly. I also have my own aim in life.
Badhon            : Oh, that’s great! What is that ?
Naina               : I want to be a doctor in future.
Badhon            : Really ? Why have you decided to be a doctor ?
Naina               : Well, I believe that a doctor can serve the suffering humanity best.
Badhon            : Is that so ? Can you please explain it a little more ?
Naina               : Oh sure. I give you an example. Most of the people in our country are very poor. They
                          cannot afford the expenses of treatment. As a result, many of them die just for lack of
                          proper and timely treatment.
Badhon            : In that case, how can you help them ?
Naina               : I want to offer treatment to the poor people free of cost. And I dream that if I can earn
                          more money. I will set up a charitable dispensary for the poor.
Badhon            : I appreciate your aim and your hearties effort to make your dream true.
Naina               : Thank you very much.
Badhon            : You’re welcome.

12. Suppose you are Tania. You need three days leave. You have gone to your Headmaster for leave. now, write a dialogue between you and your Headmaster about it.

Ans: A dialogue between Tania and the Headmaster.

Tania                : May I come in, sir ?
Headmaster      : Yes, come in.
Tania                : Good morning, sir.
Headmaster      : Good morning. I think you are Tania.
Tania                : Yes, sir.
Headmaster      : What’s your problem ?
Tania                : My mother is seriously ill, sir. There’s no one to take care of her at my house. So, I need
                          three days leave. I’ll be highly glad if you kindly consider it.
Headmaster      : Oh! very sad. Where’s your father ? Isn’t he at home now ?
Tania                : No, sir. He has gone to Dhaka on his official purpose.
Headmaster      : Have you written a petition for leave ?
Tania                : Yes. Here it is, sir.
Headmaster      : All right. Go to Your class teacher. He’ll help you.
Tania                : Thank you, sir.

13. Suppose you are Maruf. You want to buy a book. Write a dialogue between you and a bookseller about buying a book.

Ans: A dialogue between Maruf and the bookseller about buying a book.

Book seller       : Good morning, sir.
Maruf               : Good morning. I like to buy a grammar book. Are grammar books available here ?
Book seller       : Why not sir! We’ve sufficient grammar books of many famous publications. Which
                           book do you want to buy ? Can you tell me the name of the writer of that book ?
Maruf               : Thank you. It is ‘A self tutor for English Language’ written by FF.M Nazrul Islam.
Book seller       : Sit down, please. We’ve this book. Here it is.
Maruf               : Ok. What’s the retail price, please ?
Book seller       : After deducting the commission, you have to pay 180 taka only.
Maruf               : Here it is. Can you give me a packet.
Book seller       : Why not ? Take it.
Maruf               : Thank you.
Book seller       : You’re welcome.

14. Think that you are Ruma. Your SSC examination is near at hand and you are passing busy time doing various things regarding your preparation for a good result. Now, write a dialogue between you and your friend Lima on your preparation for the ensuring examination.

Ans: A dialogue between Ruma and Lima on the preparation for the ensuring examination.

Ruma               : Hi, Lima. How’re you going on with your preparation ?
Lima                 : Oh, It’s going on fine. What about you ?
Ruma               : I’m afraid of English. I don’t have any problem with the grammatical items. But in
                          regarding of paragraph and composition, there’s nothing to guess. I wish there were no
                          question of that type.
Lima                 : O, no. I think that section is very much necessary for us.
Runa                : How ? Explain please.
Lima                 : Here we have scope to exercise our creativity and power of imagination. Not only this,
                          this section also justifies our writing skill.
Runa                : Yes, right you are. But my writing skill is very poor.
Lima                 : Nothing to be worried. Practices writing something on a particular topic from now. If
                          you possess sound knowledge of grammar, you will be able to improve your writing
                          skill within a short time.
Ruma               : Thank you for your cordial suggestion. See you.

15. Illiteracy is a great problem in our country. It badly hampers all our development programmes. So it is regarded as a curse for the nation. Now, write a dialogue between you and your friend, Luna about the bad effects of illiteracy and to get rid of the problem.

Ans: A dialogue between myself and Luna about the bad effects of illiteracy and how to get rid of the problem.

Luna                 : Would you mind telling me the condition of illiteracy in Bangladesh ?
Myself              : Well. A large number of people of our country are illiterate. That is the root cause of
                           ignorance and tyranny which frustrates all development efforts of the government and
                           the community.
Luna                 : How can we get rid of illiteracy ?
Myself              : People should be made aware of the importance of literacy. Primary Education should
                          be compulsory for all children and more community Learning centre should be
                          established for teaching adults and out of school youths.
Luna                 : What else can we do ?
Myself              : We should work hand in hand to educate the illiterate.
Luna                 : Yes, I think so. It’s the key factor. Govt has already taken many steps to remove
Myself              : We must co-operate the govt.
Luna                 : Yes, We must come forward in this aspect.
Myself              : I agree with you. Thank you very much.
Luna                 : You’re most welcome.

16. Halim gets up late in the morning. So he cannot complete his lesson in time and his result is bad in the examination. On the other hand, Kamal rises early in the morning and learns his lesson. He is doing well in the examination. Now, write a dialogue between kamal and Halim about the benefit of early rising.

Ans: A dialogue between Kamal and Halim about the benefit of early rising.

Kamal              : Hey, Halim, how’re you ?
Halim               : Not well.
Kamal              : Why ?
Halim               : You know the reason. I’ve cut a sorry figure in the exam.
Kamal              : Don’t mind but you yourself are responsible for that. You always get up late in the  
                          morning. As a result, you never complete your lessons on time.
Halim               : Yes, you’re right. I can realize the benefits of early rising. You get up early in the
                           morning and learn your lessons. So you’re doing well in the exam.
Kamal              : There are other benefits of early rising besides preparing lessons.
Halim               : What else ?
Kamal              : Oh, Halim, don’t you know that it’s good for health ?
Halim               : Yes, my friend. From tomorrow, I’ll get up early everyday.
Kamal              : Thanks.
Halim               : Same to you.

17. Suppose you are Tuli, an S.S.C candidate. Regular electricity interruption has got your nerves now a day. Now write a dialogue between you and your friend Shimu about how this load shedding is interrupting your everyday study.

Ans: A dialogue between Tuli and her friend shimu about the causes of effects of load shedding in Bangladesh.

Tuli                   : Hi Shimu! How are you ?
Shimu               : Fine and you ?
Tuli                   : Not fine. I am fed up with my life.
Shimu               : Why ? Anything wrong ?
Tuli                   : Everything wrong. Load shedding often interrupts my studies.
Shimu               : Right.
Tuli                   : You will be surprised. Last night there was 6 hours long losd shedding. I could not
                           study for a single moment.
Shimu               : During night it has become impossible to study.
Tuli                   : S.S.C exam is knocking at the door. What shall I do ?
Shimu               : Some one should do something.
Tuli                   : Who will do if the government takes no step ?
Shimu               : It is our national problem. There is no possibility of solving the problem soon.
Tuli                   : Alright. Oh, Shimu I have to go now.
Shimu               : Ok. See you later. Bye.
Tuli                   : Bye.

18. Suppose you are Naeem. Now write a dialogue between you and your friend Sabbir about Eve-teasing the social curse.

Ans: Dialogue between Naeem and this friend Sabbir about Eve-teasing.

Naeem             : Hello Sabbir, What are you reading in newspaper ?
Sabbir              : I am reading a piece of news about eve-teasing.
Naeem             : Where the incident happened ?
Sabbir              : It happened in a school in Rajshahi. Some boys teased a girl of class nine and later she
                          committed suicide.
Naeem             : Very sad. Now a day it has become a very serious problem.
Sabbir              : Really, it has become a social curse.
Naeem             : What is the main cause of this ?
Sabbir              : I think parents are mainly responsible for this.
Naeem             : How ?
Sabbir              : It’s a parents duty to teach their sons how they should behave with others.
Naeem             : I agree eith you. Many parents don’t look after where their sons go and whom they mix
Sabbir              : Law enforcement is also responsible because they don’t take strict steps against the eve-
Naeem             : What should we do to stop this problem ?
Sabbir              : Police have to be more careful. Besides, people of society should be more conscious of
Naeem             : So we have to raise awareness among people.
Sabbir              : Of course.
Naeem             : Let’s discuss it with our friends.
Sabbir              : Let’s go.

19. Write a dialogue between Anis and you about the effects of illiteracy.
Or, Write a dialogue between you and your friend on how to eradicate the illiteracy problem of Bangladesh.

Abid                 : Hello Anis. We are going to the play ground to play cricket. Will you come with us ?
Anis                 : Oh! dear. I think, I can’t, because I have to go to the adult literacy centre to take classes.
Abid                 : Great! You are doing a great job. Why are you doing this ?
Anis                 : You know, illiteracy is one of the grievous problems of Bangladesh and without
                           eridacating it no development is possible. It’s a responsibility for every educated
                           Bangladeshi to come forward and I am one of them.
Abid                 : What do you think ? Is it possible ?
Anis                 : We should create public awarness and convince them that education is a must to have a
                           better future. Adult literacy centre can be formed. We should help the govt. When they
                           call for a change with the light of education.
Abid                 : What are the recent steps of the government ?
Anis                 : The government has taken necessary programme to eridacate illiteracy. Education for
                           all, free education for girls, free primary education, food for education and some other
                          projects are being run by the government.
Abid                 : What are the results of the projects ?
Anis                 : The results are satisfactory. But we are expecting more conciousness among the people
                          and a massive influx of children into primary schools.
Abid                 : That’s why you are avoiding play ground ? You are so great.
Anis                 : I hope for the day, when all the educated persons will come forward to dedicate their
                          free time for the sack of the nation. Ok, Abid, I have to go now. Thank you.
Abid                 : Wish you best of luck. I feel proud of you.

20. Write a dialogue between Anis and Tisha and you about air pollution.

Ans: A dialogue between myself and Tisha about air pollution.

Anis                 : Hi, Tisha ? Why are you so late to return home from school ? You are looking very tired
Tisha                : It was a mess! The whole road was stuck and there was no way without waiting in the
                          noise, smoke and dust. I was almost unable to breathe.
Anis                 : This is a common situation of all the big cities like Dhaka and thousands of people are
                          suffering from skin and heart diseases.
Tisha                : There, how will the people live sound if such air pollution increases ?
Anis                 : I can’t give you optimistic answers. But if it is possible to reduce the pollution then it
                          will be better place to live.
Tisha                : But at first we should detect the causes of air pollution.
Anis                 : How is smoke produced ?
Tisha                : It is produced when we cook food and burn bricks and waste materials.
Anis                 : I think, when we melt pitch for road construction, it is also produced.
Tisha                : Right you are. Innumerable vehicles plying on the roads and streets also produce smoke.
Anis                 : Yes, Besides, mills and factories are also responsible for air pollution.
Tisha                : Can you guess, how can we reduce air pollution ?
Anis                 : I think rapid and effective forestation may help in this regard. Strict laws and their
                          proper implementation may also be effective to reduce air pollution. We need to prevent
                          air pollution for our survival. It also creates health hazards. So preventing air pollution
                          is utmost necessary.
Tisha                : I agree. Thank you. See you again.
Anis                 : Thank you too. You are welcome. Lets work had in hand to stop this menace.

21. Read the passage and write a dialogue between Becky and Masum’s mother,
Becky and Masum are two pen friends.Once Becky came to Bangladesh to visit Masum’s family. Becky had a lively talked with Masum’s mother. She exchanged greetings, then got herself freshened up and had a delicious lunch with the members of the family. She was very happy to visit Masum’s family as she opined.

Masum’s mother           : How are you, Becky ?
Becky                          : O, fine aunt. And you ?
Masum’s mother           : I’m also fine. How are you feeling here in our country ?
Becky                          : O nice aunt. I’m very much impressed of the people. This country is also very
Masum’s mother           : Well. Now it is the time for lunch . Share with us.
Becky                          : Aunt, I will take lunch outside.
Masum’s mother           : Impossible. You should not disobey me any how.
Becky                          : Well. Where’s the bathroom, aunt ?
Masum’s mother           : Rubana will take you to the bathroom .
Becky                          : Aunt, who is Rubana ?
Masum’s mother           : She is my youngest daughter .
Becky                          : O, I see. Let’s go.
Masum’s mother           : Would you like to take fish ?
Becky                          : Of course.
Masum’s mother           : Let’s start eating.
Becky                          : O, very delicious items indeed.
Masum’s mother           : Don’t hesitate. Eat as much as you like .
Becky                          : Thank you, aunt.
Masum’s mother           : You’re most welcome.

22. Write a dialogue between two friends about the preparation on coming test examination.

Ans: A dialouge between Amin (myself) and Habib (my friend) about our preparation for the S.S.C Examination.

Amin                : Hello Habib, Where are you going ?
Habib               : I’m so lucky to meet you on the way. I am going to the coaching centre. There’s a
                          model test today. What you are doing around here ?
Amin                : Nothing, Just having some free time walking around. You know its very hard to study
                          all the day long.
Habib               : I know you are a bright student and so much advanced with your studies. You can take
                          rest but I’m in a fix whether to study at home or coaching centre.
Amin                : It’s not a matter. There’s enough time to recover. Don’t you complete your preparation?
Habib               : You know, I’m weak in maths. I’m having a detailed revision in other subjects. What
                           about your preparation ?
Amin                : Well, my revision in all subjects has been completed. Now, I’m working with the test
                           papers. Besides, model tests of all the subjects are frequently being taken in our school
                           to ensure proper preparation. Our teachers are kind enough to spread their helpful hands
                           and co-operation for our exam preparation. They are taking intensive care of us.
Habib               : Then you are well on your preparation, I see. I must start working with the Test papers.
                          What do you think ?
Amin                : Yes. I think it will be helpful for your preparation. Wish you best of luck.
Habib               : Would you think I have to go to a teacher for more specification.
Amin                : No, I think you haven’t enough time to spend, as the exam is knocking at the door. You
                          should reshape yourself. In this moment you should not spare time roaming at the doors
                          of the teachers.
Habib               : Thanks a lot for your valuable suggestion. Pray for my success.
Amin                : Wishing your overcome from the core of my heart.
Habib               : You’re most welcome.
23. Write a dialogue between you and the assistant at the information desk in a travel agency.

Myself              : Excuse me. Could I get some information ?
Assistant           : Of course sir. What kind of information do you need ?
Myself              : Thank you. Could you tell me which airlines fly to Bangkok ?
Assistant           : Sure. Quite a number in fact. The Bangladesh Biman, The Singapore Airlines, The Thai
                          Airways, The British Airways. Which one would you like ?
Myself              : Certainly. Bangladesh Biman. Now, could I know the airfare from Dhaka to Bangkok ?
Assistant           : Certainly. It is fourty thousand taka only.
Myself              : How can I get my ticket booking ?
Assistant           : Kindly go to the booking counter and have your ticket booked.
Myself              : Could you tell me the departure and arrival time of the flight ?
Assistant           : Of course. The flight leaves the Dhaka Airport at 6.p.m and arrives at Bangkok at 9 p.m.
Myself              : Would you mind telling me the number of the flight ?
Assistant           : It is 12007.
Myself              : Would you please inform me the weight of goods I can carry with me ?
Assistant           : You can carry not more than 25 kg with you.
Myself              : Thank you. Good bye.
Assistant           : Welcome. Good bye.

24. Suppose you are Robi and you have been suffering from fever for a week. Now you are at the chamber of a doctor. Write a dialogue between you and the doctor.

Ans: A dialogue between Robi (myself) and a doctor.

Robi                 : May I come in, sir ?
Doctor             : Yes, Of course. Take your seat. What’s your problem ?
Robi                 : I’ve been suffering from fever for a week.
Doctor             : Have you taken any medicine for this ?
Robi                 : Yes, the sales man of a drug store gave me the tablet of paracetamol.
Doctor             : Oh, you should always take medicine according to the advice of a doctor. No one should
                          take medicine without proper diagnosis of the disease. Sometimes it heads to horrible
                          after effects.
Robi                 : Sorry, sir. What should I do now ?
Doctor             : You need some Lab test. Until the reports arrive, take these medicines. When the result
                           of the reports arrives. I will suggest you necessary medicines. Nothing to be worried
                          about. Keep courage in mind. Don’t be frastated. Every diseases has proper prevention
                          in modern medical scinece.
Robi                 : What do you think it to be, sir ?
Doctor             : I’m not sure. There’s nothing to be worried. Untill the report arrives you have to abide
                          by certain instructions. Till then you have to keep yourself in a moist environment.
                          Ensure a balanced diet in your food menu and take sufficient rest. Untill full recovery
                          don’t go under scorching or unbearable heat.
Robi                 : How the medicines should be taken ?
Doctor             : Take them three times daily after taking meal.
Robi                 : On which day I should come to you with the reports ?
Doctor             : Whenever you get the reports in hand. You should not waste time.
Robi                 : Thank you, sir. Good bye!
Doctor             : Thank you too. Good bye! Take care. Wishing your immediate recovery from illness.

25. Write a dialogue between Neela and the Police officer about a mugging.

Neela               : May I come in, sir ?
Police officer    : Yes, come in. How can I help you ?
Neela               : I had a mishap in the night market this evening. Some one has snatched away my bag. It
                          contained many valuable things including my passport.
Police officer    : Oh, I see! It’s case of mugging. Now, you have to fill in a form called report on
Neela               : Please don’t mind. I’d like you to favour me with all possible help.
Police officer    : Definitely. We’ll try our best to favour you in the matter. Now we need some
Neela               : What kind of information, sir ?
Police officer    : Can you remember how many items were in your bag ?
Neela               : Of course. In my bag I had my passport, air ticket and some money.
Police officer    : Anything else ?
Neela               : No, sir.
Police officer    : Ok. Now talk to service officer to have a form. He is also ready to help you.
Neela               : Can I have a form sir ?
Service officer  : Yes, Of course.
Neela               : I am instructed to fill in the form. Please help me.
Service officer  : I’ll fill the form. You just give me a short note on the incident in black and white.
Neela               : Oh, sure.
Service officer  : Put the signature here.
Neela               : Is there anything else to be done ?
Service officer  : No. That’s all.
Neela               : Thank you very much.
Service officer  : You’re welcome.

26. Suppose, your examination is knocking at the door. You need to work hard but you are suffering from various physical problems. Now, write a dialogue between you and a doctor.

Ans: A dialogue between myself and a doctor.

Myself              : May I come in, sir ?
Doctor             : Yes, of course. Take your seat. What’s your problem ?
Myself              : Oh, a lot of problems, sir. I’ve been suffering from a cronic headache. Besides, my
                          stomach is suffering from indigestion.
Doctor             : Let me see, Oh, you’re quite well, man. There’s nothing serious. Keep courage in mind.
                          Don’t be too. frastated. Every disease has its possible recovery in modern medical
                          science. So you need not to be over anxious.
Myself              : How can you say this, sir ? I even can’t sit at my reading table!
Doctor             : Perhaps, It’s tension. I’m giving you medicine. Take this regularly and remain free
                          from tension of your exam. You’ll come round soon.
Myself              : Is there anything else to do ?
Doctor             : If you have scope. You can arrange a tour to any tourist spot to recover your
                          homesickness. Don’t forget to ensure a balanced diet in your food menu. You have to
                          take proper exercise and sufficient rest as well.
Myself              : Thank you very much. I’ll try my best to follow your suggestion.
Doctor             : You’re always welcome.

27. Read the passage and Write a dialogue between you and Mr. John.
Mr. Johan is an Englishman. This is for the first time he has come to Bangladesh. He wants to visit some places of great attractions here . But he does not know the route, bus fare, location of hotel etc. So he has asked you to help him about all these things.

Raju                 : Hello. I am Raju and very much eager to talk to you.
Mr. John          : Hi! It’s Johan from England.
Raju                 : I am very interested to talk to foreigners. How long you are in Bangladesh and what is
                          you experience ?
Mr. John          : It’s my second day here in Bangladesh and don’t have enough scope to visit any where.
                          I don’t have any information about your country.
Raju                 : What is you purpose of coming ?
Mr. John          : I have heard a lot about your country and could not but take the chance of visiting your
                          country during the vacation. Will you help me ? I expect you to be a trusted friend to
                          guide me.
Raju                 : It will be a great opportunity for me to show you the beauty of my motherland. I agree
                          with you.
Mr. John          : So kind of you. I have heard about cox’s Bazar the largest sea-beach of the world. I
                          want to go there first.
Raju                 : That’s a great idea. Cox’s Bazar is a mind blowing place. Which day you want to go ?
Mr. John          : If you are ready we can start tomorrow. But what about the journey ?
Raju                 : We can have our journey by bus, which will be quite comfortable but less costly.
Mr. John          : Nice, will we get any hotel there ?
Raju                 : Hey John, don’t think that. We are inhospitable. There are so many hotels. We will book
                          any one you want.
Mr. John          : How much it will cost ?
Raju                 : The bus will not cost more than 800 tk and the hotel 1200 tk.
Mr. John          : So, we are starting tomorrow morning. Are you coming timely ?
Raju                 : Sure. So then, meet you next morning. good bye.
Mr. John          : Good bye.

28. English is an international language. Hence it is very essential for many reasons. Now, write a dialogue between yourself and your friend Mehedi / Mina about how to learn English.

Ans: A dialogue between Rina (myself) and my friwns Mehedi / Mina about how to learn English.

Rina                 : Hi, Mina! Have you got your test result ?
Mina                : Yes, Rina, But I am not happy with my result.
Rina                 : Why ? In which subject you got poor marks ?
Mina                : English ? You know I tried hard to cut a good figure but English is always very
                          difficult to me.
Rina                 : Oh, I see! You have the same problem.
Mina                : Now, I’m worried about learning English. How can I learn it well ?
Rina                 : Our English teacher has told me but the modern language experts have invented some
                          outstanding way of learning English. By following these rules you can easily overcome
                          the situation that you are facing with English.
Mina    `           : What’s that! Tell me, please.
Rina                 : The main point about learning a language is using regularly.
Mina                : But I don’t know the language well. Then how can I use it ? Ther’ll be a lot of mistakes,
                          you know.
Rina                 : You should never be worried about making mistakes. We never can learn anything
                           without making mistakes.
Mina                : Well, I’ll try. But how can I overcome mistakes ?
Rina                 : For this my teacher has suggested to watch English news and films and read English
                          newspapers and magazines. You have to communicate more with the English knowing
                          people. Consulting the dictionary is the another great initiative. The most important
                          thing is that you have to increase your mental power and strength. You have to get rid of
                          the worry of English. Then you will find that English is no more a hard language to you.
                          You have to increase your vocabulary at the same time to improve your condition.
Mina                : I’ll also do the same. Thank you very much.
Rina                 : Your’re always welcome. See you again.

29. Read the passage and write a dialogue betueen you and your  friend.
Traffic Jam is a serious road hazard today. Many are the causes of traffic jam. They are reckless driving, drug addiction and violation of the traffic rules by the drivers, unskillness and corruption of the traffic police, rapid growth of population, want of spacious roads etc. The problem deserves to be solved as early as possible.


Myself              : Hello, Salam. Why are you so late today ?
Salam               : Oh, yes you know the traffic system of our city.
Myself              : Of course, now a days, it’s a big hazard to our city life.
Salam               : Its an unbelievable atmosphere for city dwellers.
Myself              : Right you are. Every day many people suffer for it.
Salam               : Yes, the reckless driving is cause of traffic jam.
Myself              : Thousands of rickshaws on the road also cause traffic jam.
Salam               : Moreover, the corruption of the traffic police, is also liable for this problem.
Myself              : But this is not all here. There are also other causes like the rapid growth of population,
                          the want of spacious roads, the violation of the traffic rules and so on.
Salam               : Thus we see that there are in fact quite a number of causes for traffic jam.
Myself              : Is there any solution of this problem which making the city life hazardous ?
Salam               : Obviously. Strict laws and their proper implementation is the first remedy. more wider
                          roads should be constructed, sufficient number of vehicles should be controlled in a
                          systematic way to control and reduce traffic jam. Besides the pavements should be made
                          free for the passers by to walk so that they won’t create a blockage on the road.
                          Unlawful parking and anywhere parking of vehicles should be strictly prohibited.
Myself              : It’s high time we controlled the problem. See you again.
Salam               : Many thanks.

30. You are Dipu / Diba. You are at a shop to buy a pair of shoes. Write a dialogue between you and the salesman of the shop about it.

Ans: A dialogue between Diba (myself) and the salesman.

Salesman          : Good morning. madam, can I help you ?
Diba                 : Good morning. I would like to buy a pair of shoes.
Salesman          : I think this pair of shoes will be accurate size for you.
Diba                 : No, it will be a bit tight.
Salesman          : Well, here is another pair of shoes.
Diba                 : Yes, this pair of shoes will be good size for me. But what is the price ?
Salesman          : It is Tk. 500/ only.
Diba                 : It is too much. Can you reduce some ?
Salesman          : Sorry madam. Here price is fixed.
Diba                 : What about the quality of the shoe ?
Salesman          : Oh, Madam! You need not be worried about the quality. The pair you selected is an
                          export quality product of genuine leather. The manufacturer company offers one year
                          warranty for the product. Another good news is waiting for you, Madam. I can offer you
                          a ten-percent discount against the product.
Diba                 : That’s nice. Here is your bill. Pack the product for me.
Salesman          : Thank you, Madam. Visit again, please.
Diba                 : You are welcome.

31. Read the passage and write a dialogue between you and your friend.
Our environment is becoming more and more polluted day by day. Poly bag is one of the most dreadful pollutants. It creates many problems like blockage of the sewerage, disruption of the regular flow of the drain water, floods. Water clogging, harms to land etc. The solution of the problem is badly needed.

Myself              : Hello, Basir! Have you watched the programme on environment on National
                          Geographic channel ?
Friend              : Sorry, I could not watch that. Was that very important ?
Myself              : Obviously, It was about the pollution of our environment. Aren’t you anxious about it ?
Friend              : Yes, Our environment is becoming more and more polluted day by day.
Myself              : Right you are. Poly bag is one of them.
Friend              : I do agree with you. It is more harmful than useful. It blocks the sewerage pipelines and
                          the regular flow of drain water.
Myself              : It also causes flood and water clogging problem.
Friend              : Besides, it obstructs the rain water flowing to the drains.
Myself              : Not only that it makes low-lying areas go under water. We can recall the longest lasting
                          flood in 1998. Flood water remained in many parts of Dhaka for over two months.
Friend              : Thus we see that polybag is a dead enemy of our environment. We should stop using
                          poly bags without delay and use jute, cloth of paper bags as substitutes.
Myself              : It is hopeful that our govt has realized the situation and taken necessary steps to band
Friend              : Mere making law is not sufficient to solve the problem. Its proper implementation is
                          equally necessary. Each and everyone should be patriotic and use paper or jute bags
                          instead of polythene in order to stop the environmental phenomenon.
Myself              : Thank you very much.
Friend              : You are welcome.

32. Suppose, you are Rajib and your friend is Alim. You and your friend feel the necessity of tree plantation. Now, write a dialogue about the necessity of tree plantation.

Ans: A dialogue between Rajib (myself) and Anis (my friend) about the necessity of tree plantation.

Rajib                : Hello, Anis! Have you learnt the essay on tree plantation ?
Anis                 : Oh, yes, But I don’t understand, Why people are apathetic to tree plantation.
Rajib                : Yes, I am also concerned about our environmental degradation.
Anis                 : What’s wrong with our environment ? please make it clear.
Rajib                : We’ve frequent floods, cyclones and droughts in our country.
Anis                 : Yes. But what can we do ?
Rajib                : Indiscriminate cutting down of trees are responsible for this situation.
Anis                 : Is that!
Rajib                : Yes, of course. Cutting down of trees is the root of global warming and most other
                           natural disaster.
Anis                 : Then what should we do now ?
Rajib                : We must plant more and more trees to maintain our environment sound.
Anis                 : Yes. I agree with you. From now on i’ll plant a tree every month and take every care of
                           my trees.
Rajib                : Thank you. But we have to make people aware of the importance of tree-plantation.
Anis                 : Yes. I’ll do that. Thank you very much.
Rajib                : You’re welcome. See you again.

33. Read the passage and write a dialogue between you and your friend.
English is an international language. The necessity of learning English can never be overestimated. English is essential not only for communicating with the English speaking people but also for getting good jobs both at home and abroad. Moreover, we cannot expect to have good doctors, engineers, technicians etc in our country without the help of books written in English. English is also a store-house of knowledge.

Myself              : Hello, friend! How are you ?
Friend              : Fine, How do you do ?
Myself              : Nice, Where’re you going ?
Friend              : I am going to the English language club, I am taking course there.
Myself              : What’s the condition of your classmates in English ?
Friend              : Not so good, I can’t understand why they don’t study English seriously.
Myself              : What is the importance of taking course on English ?
Friend              : Many are the importance of such courses and these are really helpful.
Myself              : Isn’t the English class of your school helpful.
Friend              : I don’t say that. But the English language skill depends on regular practice. The more
                          you use English in your day to day life the more you become perfect.
Myself              : I also think so. They should know that English is an international language.
Friend              : Yes, the necessity of learning English cannot be overstated.
Myself              : Really so. It’s a must for us to communicate with the English speaking people to get
                          jobs in foreign countries.
Friend              : Besides, English enables us to enter the store-house of knowledge. Because most of the
                          books of higher education are written in English.
Myself              : Yes, If this language is not learnt well, there will be no good doctors, engineers,
                           technicians etc. In our country.
Friend              : Right you are. No more today.
Myself              : You are welcome. See you again.

34. Write a dialogue between the Headmaster of a school and Moni a student of class nine seeking for admission.

Ans: A dialogue between the Headmaster and a student Moni about admission.

Moni                : May I come in, sir ?
Headmaster      : Yes, come in. How can I help you, my boy ?
Moni                : Sir, I wish to get myself admitted into your school.
Headmaster      : What’s your name ?
Moni                : Monirul Islam Moni.
Headmaster      : What’s your father ?
Moni                : He is a teacher in a school of comilla.
Headmaster      : Why do you seek for admission into my school ?
Moni                : Because my father has recently been transferred from Comilla to Dhaka. He desires to
                          get myself admitted into your renowned school.
Headmaster      : What class do you want to get yourself admitted into ?
Moni                : In class nine.
Headmaster      : Do you have your progress report ?
Moni                : Yes, sir, here it is.
Headmaster      : Have you brought your transfer certificate from the previous school where studied.
Moni                : Yes, sir. Here it is.
Headmaster      : I see, you are a good student. Take this admission form. Come tomorrow at 10 a.m.
Moni                : Will I have to do anything else ?
Headmaster      : Tomorrow you will meet our clerk in the working hour with all your relevant papers.
                          He will suggest you further regarding admission.
Moni                : Thank you, sir. Good bye!
Headmaster      : You’re welcome. Good bye!

35. Read the passage and write a dialogue between you and a passer-by.
You need to contact with the V.I.P travel agency. You do not know the route to that office. So you have to ask a passer-by to direct you about the route. A passer-by has given you are seeking.

Myself              : Hello, gentleman! Would you listen to me, please ?
Passer-by         : Yes, what’s the matter ?
Myself              : Well, excuse me. Would you please tell me the location of the V.I.P Travel Agency ?
Passer-by         : Don’t worry. Please go straight to the east. When you find the point of the cross roads,
                          you’ll turn to the left. Then you’ll find only a yellow coloured building. That’s the V.I.P
                          Travel Agency.
Myself              : Is that too far ?
Passer-by         : Oh no. It’s about four or five minutes walling.
Myself              : It’s very kind of you. Thank you very much.
Passer-by         : You’re welcome.

36. Write a dialogue between you and Himu about a terrible cyclone.

Ans: A dialogue between myself and Himu about a terrible cyclone.

Myself              : Hi, Himu. Why are you looking very worried ?
Himu                : Haven’t you heard today’s news ? A terrible cyclone is rushing towards our country.
                          You know that my family live in a village in Barishal very close to the sea. I am very
                           worried about them.
Myself              : Really, the people of the southern Bangladesh are always at a risk. I can hardly forget
                          the sufferings of the people after the devastation of sidr. Where were you then ?
Himu                : I was at my village and none but Allah saved me.
Myself              : Himu, can you recall the memory of the cyclone sidr you faced ?
Himu                : Yes, I’ve sush an experience which i’ll never forget.
Myself              : What was that ?
Himu                : The sidr had rushed with great signal number 10 and hit our locality on the night of
                          november 15 in 2007. The wind was blowing hard. I heard a terrible sound from the
Myself              : Didn’t you go to any cyclone shelter or safe place ?
Himu                : We heard the warning signal but we didn’t take it seriously. We stayed in the house.
Myself              : What happened then ?
Himu                : After half an hour we saw how ferocious the cyclone sidr was.
Myself              : What devastation did you notice ?
Himu                : Sidr devastated huge crops, houses, trees livestock human lives, birds and animals.
Myself              : Thank you very much. But now we should go to the class.
Himu                : Thank you too.

37. Read the passage and write a dialogue between you and your friend.
You have recently got a job and joined the office. You did not tell your friend about it. Yesterday you happened to meet him on the way. He was very happy to hear the news. But he expressed his bad-luck for not being able to find out a job still. You should express your sympathy for his sad lot.

Myself              : Hello, Ismail! How are you ?
Friend              : I’m fine. How are you ?
Myself              : I’m also fine.
Friend              : Nice to see you. What’s about your job ?
Myself              : I’ve joined the IFIC Bank.
Friend              : What a pleasant surprise! But you didn’t tell me before. How is it ?
Myself              : Don’t mind. Actually I have joined recently. I couldn’t make time to tell all of you.
Friend              : Anyway, it’s really a good news. When are you going to throw the party for us ?
Myself              : Don’t hurry. Give me time to get my first salary.
Friend              : Okay, time granted.
Myself              : What’s about you ? Haven’t you joined anywhere ?
Friend              : Not yet lucky as you.
Myself              : Don’t lose heart. Go on trying. I’m sure that you’d get a job soon.
Friend              : Thank you, friend. Let God do the best for me.
Myself              : Let’s us move to a snack bar.
Friend              : As you please.

38. Suppose you have passed the SSC Examination obtaining GPA-5 and you want to get admission at Dhaka College and you need an admission form. Write a dialogue between you and the office clerk about it.

Ans: A dialogue between myself and the office clerk of Dhaka college about an admission form.

Myself              : Good morning!
Office clerk      : Good morning. Can I help you ?
Myself              : I want to get myself admitted into this college. Are you distributing admission forms ?
Office clerk      : Yes, What is your group ?
Myself              : Science.
Office clerk      : You have a to pay Tk. 50 to have a form.
Myself              : Then give me a form. Here’s your money.
Office clerk      : Thank you. Here’s the form.
Myself              : Now, can you tell me something about the last date of submission of the form with
                          papers and documents.
Office clerk      : You have an instruction manual with the form. You will get every information there.
Myself              : Where will I submit the form ?
Office clerk      : You can give it to me.
Myself              : Thank you very much for your help! Good bye.
Office clerk      : You’re always welcome. Good bye.

39. Read the passage and write a dialogue between a shopkeeper and a customer.
A customer needs to buy a lady’s watch. So he goes to a popular watch shop and makes talks about the quality, the price etc with the shopkeeper.  Finally he chooses a Japanese one and buys it.

Shopkeeper      : How can I help you, sir ?
Customer         : I want a good watch for gift.
Shopkeeper      : Lady’s or Gent’s ?
Customer         : A lady’s watch, please.
Shopkeeper      : Please look at this show-case. You can see all Kinds of lady’s watch here.
Customer         : Have you any swiss watch in your stock ?
Shopkeeper      : Obviously, Sir. We have sufficient swiss export quality watch in our stock. Please have
                          a look in the 3rd showcase.
Customer         : Thank you. Please show me the fourth one.
Shopkeeper      : Of course, here it is.
Customer         : How nice! What’s the price ?
Shopkeeper      : Eight hundred and eighty taka.
Customer         : That’s too much I think.
Shopkeeper      : Not at all. It’s genuine swiss made watch.
Customer         : But I want a cheaper one. Don’t you have one ?
Shopkeeper      : Why not ? Look at this side. These are Japanese.
Customer         : How much is the third one ?
Shopkeeper      : All these in this row have the same price and it is three hundred taka each.
Customer         : But aren’t Japanese watches generally of poor quality ?
Shopkeeper      : Don’t worry. These have originally come from Japan.
Customer         : All right, pack this one.
Shopkeeper      : Okay. Thank you.

40. Read the passage and write a dialogue between you and your friend.
Your friend is very busy with preparing himself for the ensuing examination and keeping late hours of hight. He wakes up late and feels uneasy. You have got a habit of going out for a walk every morning. Now tell him about the boons of morning walk and persuade him to accompany you.

Friend              : Hey, Khokon! How are you ?
Myself              : I’am well. And you ? You seem to be a bit weak.
Friend              : Oh! I’ve to keep up late hours of night for the preparation of exam.
Myself              : And so, when do you get up ?
Friend              : I get up late at 9a.m.
Myself              : You should not go to bed so late. Ok I’ll come to your house at 6a.m. and wake you up
                          for a morning walk.
Friend              : A morning walk!
Myself              : Yes, you’ll feel fresh in the soothing air and a little walk will warm up your body to
                          work more and more. You’ll no longer look so pale as you now.
Friend              : Yes, a good idea indeed! please, do come down to my house and I’ll wait for you.
Myself              : Yes, do it regularly and you’ll find things easy going.
Friend              : Thank you very much for your good plans.
Myself              : You’re most welcome. Good bye, see you tomorrow morning.
Friend              : Good bye. See you again.

41. Write a dialogue between you and your friend hasan about the importance of taking regular physical exercise.

Ans: A dialogue between Antu (myself) and Hasan (my friend) about the importance of taking regular physical exercise.

Antu                 : Hello, Hasan! You are looking very strong and stout.
Hasan               : Thank you. But you seem to be a bit sick.
Antu                 : Oh! I am facing some physical problem.
Hasan               : I think, you aren’t aware of the importance of physical exercise.
Antu                 : You are right. But will you tell me how it’s important to us ?
Hasan               : Sure. Physical exercise makes our body strong healthy and fit for work.
Antu                 : Well. Do you think it has any importance regarding our mental health ?
Hasan               : Of course. You know, a sound body is the abode of a sound mind. So, no doubt,
                          Physical exercise has a great influence on our mental health.
Antu                 : Has it any other benefits ?
Hasan               : Obviously. It ensures the regular movement of the limbs of the body which plays a vital
                          role to enliven our blood circulation process. It removes tiredness and keeps our body
                          fit. So the importance and necessity of physical exercise is beyond description.
Antu                 : Thank you for your nice description.
Hasan               : You’re always welcome.

42. Read the following passage and write a dialogue between a salesman and customer.
A customer wants to buy a shirt and a tie. He goes to the shop and asks the salesman to show him them. He chooses a shirt and a tie from among a number of them. He bargains and buys them at Tk. 500/=

Salesman          : Good morning, sir. what can I do for you ?
Customer         : Good morning, I like to buy a shirt and a tie.
Salesman          : Here are they.
Customer         : Thanks. Let me have a sight at them.
Salesman          : I think they suit you well.
Customer         : No, the shirt is a bit tight.
Salesman          : Well, here is another one.
Customer         : Yes, this suits me well. Now show me the tie.
Salesman          : Here it is.
Customer         : No, the colour is not after my mind.
Salesman          : What colour do you prefer, sir ?
Customer         : Navy blue.
Salesman          : Ok, we have got a nice tie of that colour. Here it is.
Customer         : That’s fine. What’s the price ?
Salesman          : It is all together Tk = 500/- only.
Customer         : Here it is.
Salesman          : Thnaks.

43. Read the following passage and write a dialogur between a student and the Headmaster.
Karim is a student of class viii. His father has been transferred from Barisal to Khulna. His father can not afford him here. So Karim goes to the Headmaster and talks with him about issuing him a transfer certificate.


Student : May I come in, sir ?
Headmaster      : Yes, come in.
Student : Good morning, sir.
Headmaster      : Good morning. What do you want ?
Student : Sir, I want a transfer certificate.
Headmastet      : A transfer certificate ! Why do you need a transfer certificate? It is the middle
                          session .
Student : My father has been transferred from Barisal to Khulna.

Headmaster      : Oh! I see,Can’t you stay here for the rest of the session ?
Student             : Sorry, sir, I can’t . My father is unable  to afford me here .
Headmaster      : Don’t you have any relative here ?
Student : No, I haven’t .
Headmaster      : Where is your application ?
Student : Here it is, sir.
Headmaster      : Have you cleared your tution fees ?  
Student             : Yes, sir, Here is the receipt.
Headmaster      : Meet the Head clerk .
Student : Thank you sir. Good bye !

44 .Write a dialogue between Raju and Rimon about Rimon’s advice to Raju how he can make a good result in the examination.

Ans: A dialogue between Raju and Rimon:

Rimon              : Hello, Raju! How are you going on with your days ?
Raju                 : Not fine. What about you ?
Rimon              : I’m very fine. But what’s your problem ?
Raju                 : You see, I can’t do well in the examination. Could you please help me, Rimon ?
Rimon              : Of course, Raju . Don’t worry about it .
Raju                 : You see, Rimon. I read a lot , but I forget almost everything after a while.
Rimon              : Perhaps you cram answer. Don’t do it . Try to understand what you read.
Raju                 : You are absolutely right. I can’t keep pace with the daily classes. Thus the remaining
                          lessons become pressure for me.
Rimon              : First of all, you should be attentive to your daily lessons. It will help you to complete all
                          the answers.
Raju                 : How can you keep all the answers in memory ?
Rimon              : I try to understand what I read. I always write them again and again. So, I never forget.
Raju                 : I’m scared of English. I don’t know how to improve my English.
Rimon              : Oh, don’t be scared. I will help you in this subject.
Raju                 : Thank you very much.
Rimon              : You’re welcome.

45. Read the paragraph and write a dialogue between the Headmaster and a student who arrived at school late.
Fahim is a student of class ten. Today when he was on his way to school, he saw a boy badly injured after being hit by a taxi. Immediately, he took the boy to Dhaka Medical college Hospital. Then he went to school . He was late. The Headmaster called him to his room and asked why he was late. He told the fact to the Headmaster. On hearing everything, the Headmaster praised him for his good deed and gave him permission to go to this class.

Headmaster      : Fahim, why are you so late today ?
Fahim               : I’m sorry, sir. I had to take a young boy to hospital.
Headmaster      : Why ? What happened ?
Fahim               : When I was coming to school, I saw a boy badly injured after being hit by a taxi. I
                          Immediately took the boy to Dhaka Medical college Hospital.
Headmaster      : Is it so ? That’s very good of you. You may go to your class.
Fahim               : Thank you, sir.

46. Write a dialogue between Arif and Wasim about Arif’s birthday party.

Ans: A dialogue between Arif and Wasim about arif’s  birthday party.

Arif                  : Hello, Wasim, are you free on sunday next ?
Wasim              : Why ?
Arif                  : My fifteenth birthday falls on that day.
Wasim              : Are you joking with me ?
Arif                  : No, I am telling you the truth.
Wasim              : Is it so ? Yes, I’ll be free then.
Arif                  : So, please do come to my house in the morning and spend the day with me.
Wasim              : Thank you. I’ll surely come. Are you inviting others ?
Arif                  : Yes, I’ve already invited Nurul, Monirul and Mohan and some of my relatives.
Wasim              : Well, there will be a great deal of fun then. What about the arrangements ?
Arif                  : A grand feast has been arranged for the guests. There will be also songs and music.
Wasim              : Very good. How many guests will join the birthday party ?
Arif                  : About fifty.
Wasim              : A big arrangement, indeed I wish it all success. No more today.
Arif                  : Thank you. See you again!

47. Write a dialogue between you and your friend on the merits and demerits of using mobile phone.

Myself              : Oh, Antu, what a marvellous ring tone you’ve set in your mobile phone!
Friend              : Thanks. Mobile phone is, indeed, a great source of recreation.
Myself              : Of course. As an easy and speedy mode of communication, mobile phone is second to
Friend              : I appreciate your opinion. But don’t you find any demerits of this device ?
Myself              : Yes, indeed. Experts say thay this is harmful for our head and brain.
Friend              : Doesn’t it have any other demerits ?
Myself              : Of course. With the advancement of communication, mobile is being used now by the
                          criminals to serve their evil desires. Besides, constant use of mobile phones creates
                          many health hazards. It is used as a means of flattery also.
Friend              : I think it is also harmful for the students like us who talk a very long time through
                          mobile. It hampers their study.
Myself              : Right you are.
Friend              : That’s why our teachers have forbiden us to use mobile phone in school hour.
Myself              : Yes. My father also doesn’t want me to use mobile for a longtime.
Friend              : Then what would you say finally ?
Myself              : I can say that we should use it with much care and only as a necessity of emergency
Friend              : Thank you very much.
Myself              : Thank you too.

48. Write a dialogue between a teacher and a student (Selim) about the illness of another student.

Teacher            : Selim, has Shamim come ?
Selim                : No sir. He has not come to school today.
Teacher            : Why ? What is the matter with him ?
Selim                : He is ill, sir.
Teacher            : Do you know what is he suffering from ?
Selim                : I heard that he has been suffering from fever.
Teacher            : Do you know who treats him ?
Selim                : Yes, sir. He is under the treatment of Dr. P.K. Mondal.
Teacher            : What has the doctor said about his health ?
Selim                : The doctor has said that Shamim will recover soon but he should take a rest for a few
Teacher            : Ok. Sit down.

49. Make a dialogue between two friends about price hike and its effect on poor working class people.

Myself              : Hello antu. How’re you ?
Friend              : I went to market and the price of necessary things has made me anxious.
Myself              : You are right now a days the prices of daily necessaries are rising very fast. What, do
                          you think, about the effects of it on poor working class people ?
Friend              : I think the poor working class people are the main victims of price hike. They can’t buy
                          necessary foods and clothing for this.
Myself              : Yes, you’re right. the poor people cannot lead a sound life for the very high prices of
                           daily necessaries. How, do you think, to check this problem ?
Friend              : First of all we need to identify the reasons behind price hike. Then the Govt. and all the
                          concerned people should take concert effort to eliminate the reasons. Hoarding and
                          black marketing should be stopped at any cost. The govt can set a parameter of prices of
                          all goods which must have to be hung on every markets. The sellers should follow it
Myself              : I agree with you. Thank you very much.
Friend              : You’re always welcome.

50. Write a dialogue between a passenger and a bus conductor in connection with bus fare.

Ans: A dialogue between a passenger and a bus conductor.

Conductor        : Ticket, please.
Passenger         : How much for Mirpur-12 ?
Conductor        : How many are you ?
Passenger         : Two my friends and I.
Conductor        : What about this boy ? Is he with you ?
Passenger         : Yes. But isn’t he too young ? Does he need a ticket ?
Conductor        : If he is more than three years old, he does.
Passenger         : He is four.
Conductor        : Then you need two tickets.
Passenger         `: How much should I pay ?
Conductor        : 20 taka, please.
Passenger         : Here is it. Could you please tell us when we shall arrive at Mirpur-12 ? The place is
                          quite unknown to us.
Conductor        : Yes. It’s the last stop. This is Mirpur-12. All the passengers get off there.
Passenger         : Thank you very much.
Conductor        : You’re welcome.



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